Our Blog
Our Blog
An ongoing series of informational entries!
An ongoing series of informational entries!

Our First Blog Entry
Our First Blog Entry
November the 6th, 2021
Celery Patch Knives turns one!
I was recently asked for some information about what we've been up to. I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to start a blog with frequent updates. I'll cover a bit in this first one to catch up for the past year.
Although we've been making knives for some years we've officially been selling to the public for a bit over a year. Our first festival was the 2020 Victor Harbor Viking Festival. We've since attended several festivals and culinary events around South Australia.
We're busily making stock for the upcoming South Australian Knife Show being held in the Adelaide Showgrounds over November the 13th & 14th. This will be our biggest event yet. I'm a bit nervous, but mostly excited to be presenting in the premier knife event of the year. It was a real honor to be invited.
We've learnt a lot over the last year. We've met so many wonderful customers and built strong relationships throughout the culinary world. This has boosted us to expand the workshop and range of knives.
Forging steel to make knives is a hot and dirty process. To ensure a clean and safe workshop we decided to build a dedicated grinding room. We installed a 20' shipping container alongside the workshop and kitted it out with lights, power, ventilation and dust proofing. This is what we call the "dirty" room. We can now do all the grinding and cutting operations in this space, keeping the main workshop clean and dust free.
We recently upped our sharpening method to a modified GENDE GIGS sharpening system. Being a craftsman I couldn't help myself and decided to completely redesign the sharpening system. Several days of tinkering on the lathe and milling machine saw a ground up redesign of the jig. It now has 1/50th of a millimetre clearances with unparalleled accuracy not seen before. It's as solid as a rock and 100% repeatable for razor sharp knives every time.
We have plans to expand our services to sharpening knives in our area. A local business is going to house a swap box for customers to drop off their blunt knives. We'll pick them up, sharpen and return them to the drop box.
Stay tuned for next months blog. We have plans to work on our hydraulic press and showcase some exciting new knives ready for the Christmas season.
Celery Patch Knives

Our Second Blog Entry
Our Second Blog Entry
November 16th, 2021
We are very pleased to have presented at the all new South Australian Knife Show. It was held over the 13th & 14th of November at the Adelaide Showgrounds. We had over 900 people attend. This makes it the biggest knife show in South Australia to date.
We had thirteen knives available (pictured) along with ten knife kits for people to have a go at making their first knife at home.
We sold six knives and most of the knife kits. We were very pleased with the outcome as we were unsure how we'd fair having thirty other knife makers selling in the same room. We also picked up three custom orders.
Our biggest reward was meeting all the enthusiastic home cooks through to head chefs. The feedback was fantastic and we were so pleased to hear our products were ticking all the boxes.
All round a huge success.
An added bonus was the absolutely amazing timbers we purchased to use as future knife handles. As the stabilising process takes several month you'll have to wait for a future blog to see the beautiful timbers being put to use.
We're straight back into it now. The custom orders are already under way along with a line of cheese cleavers/wooden platters and more custom chef's knives to replace the sold stock.
Our next market will be in the seaside town of Normanville, S.A. (our home town). We're putting in a stall at the Christmas evening markets in the Village Green on the 17th of December. I believe the market is open from 4 pm till 8 pm.
Time for me to get back into the workshop!
Celery Patch Knives